Junior Stretch Exercises
Junior Stretch Exercises
All exercises should be taken on both sides
These exercises are designed for dancers who are already warm, so please make sure all dances have done an
aerobic warm up before commencing these exercises, and always start with the Stretch Warm Up, and always
finish with the Cool Down Stretch.
Please Note: NEVER push a child into a stretch. Every child is different, and some may never gain the mobility
to do these stretches to their maximum. When working in partners, all dancers must be very sensible. If the
person being stretched says “stop” then the stretcher must stop straight away (even if they believe they can
go further).
Exercise 1 Junior Stretch Warm Up
Exercise 3 Positions Of The Feet
Exercise 4 Battement Glisse
Exercise 5 Rond De Jambe A Terre
Exercise 6 Retire
Exercise 7 Preparation for Arabesque
The following French terms are introduced in Grade 1:
Bras Bas
Demi-rond de jambe
En avant
En dedans
En dehors
En diagonale
En face
En l’air
Port de bras
Rond de jambe
Temps levé
Class Theory Questions
1. Can you demonstrate a Plié?
2. Does demi mean half or full?
3. Does plié mean bend or stretch?
4. Should the body remain straight in a Demi Plié?
5. Should the heels remain on the floor in a Demi Plié?
6. Demonstrate a Battement Tendu Devant
7. Does the toe leave the floor in a Battement Tendu?
8. What does Port de Bras mean?
9. Demonstrate 1st - 2nd - 3rd - 4th or 5th positions of arms
10. Can you demonstrate a Glissade Devant?
11. What does devant mean?
12. Should both feet point in a Glissade?
13. Do both toes remain on the floor in a Glissade in Grade 1?
14. Demonstrate a Petit Sauté
15. Does Petit mean large or small?
16. What does Sauté mean?
17. Is it important to finish in a demi plié when landing in Petit Sauté?
18. Should the feet be fully stretched when jumping in Petit Sauté?
19. Is the back heel down in Spring Points?
20. What does Reverence mean?
Exercise Stradle Stretch Warm Up
Exercise 2 Port De Bras
Exercise 3 Battement Tendu
Exercise 4 Chassé & Rond de Jambe à Terre
Exercise 5 Gallops & Polka
Exercise 6 Battement Tendu & Glissade
Exercise 7 Petit Saute & Spring Points
Exercise 9 Reverance
Example Assessment Dance
Examination Theory
Theory Questions Grade 1 - Classical Ballet
Each candidate will be asked to demonstrate/answer two questions during the examination.
Question 1 – Candidates will be asked to demonstrate one piece of vocabulary from the list below which is from that grade or any previous grades:
Demonstration Questions
1. Can you demonstrate a demi-plié?
2. Can you demonstrate a battement tendu devant?
3. Can you demonstrate a glissade devant?
4. Can you demonstrate 1st position of arms?
5. Can you demonstrate 2nd position of arms?
6. Can you demonstrate your arms in bras bas?
7. Can you demonstrate two sautés in 1st position?
8. Can you place your feet in 3rd position?
9. Can you demonstrate three classical walks forward?
10. Can you demonstrate a spring point?
Question 2 – Candidates will be asked one set question from the following list:
Technical Section Questions
1. What is a chassé?
2. Does the toe leave the floor in a battement tendu?
3. What does port de bras mean?
4. What does révérence mean?
5. Why is a lifted eyeline important in all work?
6. In the introduction to the Port de Bras exercise, how would you describe the movement demonstrated?
7. What feeling should you convey in the galops and polka exercise?
8. When you galop, which part of the foot leads?
9. What happens in a chassé?
10. Can you name two exercises in the same rhythm?
Exercise 1 - Stretch Warm Up